Man Working in Logistics Warehouse

LIDS Logistics Tech, a key component of our Omni Commerce ecosystem, streamlines logistics with an integrated suite that blends advanced technology and user focus. This suite is composed of the following platforms:

Together, these platforms empower your logistics with precision, agility, and connectivity, ensuring your products move through the supply chain with unmatched efficiency and control.

Streamline your supply chain with this integrated solutions, ensuring efficiency, agility, and seamless connectivity from warehouse to delivery.

Smart warehouse management system.

Streamline Your Warehouse Operations

The IDS Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a comprehensive solution designed to optimize warehouse operations, encompassing a broad range of functionalities from inventory management to order fulfillment and shipping.

Key features include real-time inventory tracking, efficient receiving and putaway processes, streamlined order fulfillment, and robust shipping integrations. It leverages advanced barcode scanning and RFID technologies, with the addition of QR codes for enhanced bin and space management, ensuring precise location tracking and space optimization within the warehouse.

Labor management, security, yard and dock management, and detailed reporting and analytics further contribute to operational efficiency.

Managing stocks for distribution

Modernise Your Distribution Process with DMS

Our Distribution Management System (DMS) offers a comprehensive platform that streamlines and optimizes the logistics and distribution process, from warehouse to customer delivery.

It excels in managing the transportation of goods through advanced route optimization and real-time shipment tracking, including accessibility for clients to monitor their deliveries through uWIn Retail, ensuring goods arrive on time and in good condition.

Additionally, it harnesses predictive analytics to accurately forecast demand, intelligently plans inventory levels, and efficiently schedules distribution activities, thereby minimizing costs while meeting customer demand.

Blurry background variety of vitamins and supplements on shelves

Transforming Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Our Pharma Market Hub (PMH) significantly transforms the pharmaceutical supply chain by creating a dynamic marketplace that connects wholesalers with pharmacies, enhancing efficiency and streamlining operations through its integration with Pharmacy System Management (PSM) or uWin Retail.

Utilizing advanced technology, this platform offers a user-friendly interface, comprehensive analytics for informed decisions, and secure transactions, ensuring pharmacies have instant access to a wide range of products.

Furthermore, its sophisticated API technology links the sales process directly to suppliers' ERP systems, facilitating a seamless workflow for inventory management, order placement, and transaction processing.

bottled beverage wholesale shopping center fmcg

Expand Your Market Reach with FMCG Market Hub

Our FMCG Market Hub offers an innovative digital marketplace tailored for FMCG wholesalers and distributors, facilitating direct sales to a diverse mix of traditional and modern retailers.

This versatile platform boasts seamless integration with numerous ERP systems via robust APIs, ensuring streamlined operations and real-time data synchronization. Additionally, it provides a mobile application specifically designed for sales personnel, enabling on-the-go transaction processing and order management.

By bridging the gap between bulk suppliers and retail outlets, the FMCG Market Hub simplifies the supply chain, enhances efficiency, and opens new avenues for market expansion and customer reach.